SUMMARY There is a difference between living righteously and living selfishly when it comes to your finances. Stewardship plays a role in determining which way you live. A good steward recognizes the gifts given as if they were on loan, takes charge of them and makes good come from those gifts. Good stewardship includes … Continued
How Successful People Make Decisions
SUMMARY There are only about 12 to 15 key decisions in everyone’s life. Examples of key decisions: Getting married, having children, a job change, moving to another area of the country, or buying a house. When making key decisions, take a little extra time but don’t procrastinate too much. ‘NO’ is a decision, never be … Continued
The Secret to Building Confidence
SUMMARY Some people are prone to it; others are not. Everyone can build it. Secrets to building confidence: Talk out loud. Speak words of positivity to yourself to bolster confidence. Focus on the things which you are good at. What are your talents, your skills? Recognize the attributes of positivity in your life and stick in that vein. … Continued
Advice for a Divorced CEO on Rebuilding Relationships
SUMMARY E5 Leader is a relationship-builder and mender. Anguish, grief, and baggage from the past can be dealt with by applying principles of E5, enabling you to approach those you love and may have hurt, seek their forgiveness and build bridges. Involve your (future) spouse in your leadership walk. Help him/her to make the transition into the … Continued
Equipping Yourself and Others for Life and Success
SUMMARY Equipping is being able to pass on something that you know. We equip our children when we teach them how to walk, talk, or eat. Equipping is also our actions, our role modeling. Using E5 tools, you will be able to apply knowledge, tools, processes and training that equips you to handle situations and … Continued
What Place Have You Visited that Impacted You the Most?
SUMMARY Mark’s favorite places to visit, the cathedrals and basilicas in the cities he visits, impact his spiritual pillar. What place you’ve visited have affected you spiritually? According to Mark, faith built him more than he built his faith. He had a ‘Saul Moment’: a realization that there is a higher power and a higher … Continued
The Four Temperaments that Determine the Way You Think and Act
SUMMARY Temperaments are the hardwiring and natural ability to process thought. No thought is generated without input. Temperament, our hardwiring, is what processes inputs to formulate opinion, values, ethics, and behavior. Four categories: Choleric – the hard-driven type-A person who’s always going after it. Phlegmatic – cool, casual, laid back, nothing seems to bother them. … Continued
The Power of Delayed Gratification
SUMMARY Delayed gratification is the practice of denial, detachment, or removal from something that you want. Waiting to eat cookies until after dinner is a simple example of delayed gratification. ‘Waiting to achieve’ is another form of delayed gratification when other priorities take precedent. Delayed gratification is important because it’s a form of discipline. Accomplishing a … Continued
What Is Behavior Modeling?
SUMMARY Modeling is what we are doing with our behaviors, our words, our actions, and our thoughts. Those thoughts turn to reality and then to action. Be conscious and careful of what you model. Others do what you do; not what you say. A person in a position of authority, influence or leadership must be careful of … Continued
The Power of the Spoken Word
SUMMARY What you speak is what you think; what you think is what you believe, and your belief controls your actions. The association of words delivers a message, delivers instruction, and sends out a call to the world. By speaking aloud, you engage with other senses; giving the want, need and desire to go into … Continued