Culture of Thought
SUMMARY CULTURE OF THOUGHT Culture of thought is the way your mind has been programmed through life events, the people you hang with, the books you read, and the things to which you listen. E5 Leader can help you to change your culture of thought. To have an aligned culture of thought to maximize potential … Continued
SUMMARY HOW THE E5 PILLARS ORIGINATED The five pillars – spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and financial – came from five different sources. There were five different pillars, each with a balance point. When combined, each pillar could throw another off balance if not integrated properly. Though there are individual balance points on individual pillars, they’re … Continued
SUMMARY BLESSABILITY Characteristics that form around blessability: Joy – Harmony – Peace – Confidence – Smiles – Excitement Look for people who exhibit these characteristics. Strive for them yourself. Blessability is how you act, think, and serve others in order to put your life and your prosperity into the vein of being blessable. Blesssability is … Continued
Becoming a Discipline of What You’re Trying to Achieve
SUMMARY DISCIPLINE Would you rather suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret? The pain of discipline is temporary. The pain of regret lasts a lifetime and beyond. Discipline is a necessary tool we utilize to change and grow forward. “Discipline” comes from the root “disciple”. A disciple is a true believer; somebody … Continued
3 Habits to Improve Your Tomorrow
For me January 1st is always a strange time of year. In this strange way, it’s intimidating. I look back on the past year with some regret, thankfully, a good amount of satisfaction, and I look forward to the upcoming year with a lot of anticipation. Knowing my goals, knowing the path I’ve chosen and … Continued
How aware are you?
SUMMARY AWARENESS Awareness is a key attribute and a key characteristic in life. Self-awareness is most important. Most people don’t know who they are, how they’re hardwired, why they’re hardwired that way, or what their character flaws are. Awareness means ‘to have your antenna up’ – To be able to perceive at a high level; … Continued
Four Ways to Sow Success
Here is a little known fact about me. You may not believe it. Trust me, I’m telling you the truth. I love the Little House on the Prairie book series. I do! Really! My love affair with Little House started when I was a kid. I would lie on my couch and watch the TV … Continued
Is Attitude Everything?
SUMMARY ATTITUDE Attitude ISN’T everything, But it is one of the main things that you can take captive and control. We want to have awareness of our attitudes: Be seed-sowers. Be positive with our attitude. Make sure that we control it. An attitude can be a predisposition. Because of a past occurrence, it is possible … Continued
How to be a Good Gift Giver
Have you ever been stressed over buying a loved one a gift? Wondering: Will it fit? Will she like it? Is it the right color? Does she already have one? Is this too little? Too much? For me, this used to happen every Christmas. I didn’t mean to get overwhelmed with the gift buying process. … Continued
The Power of Belief
There was one time. . . I got a detention. Yeah, me. If you haven’t picked up on it already, I was quite a mischievous kid. I liked making people laugh and sometimes that got me into trouble. Well, this one time, I was pressured into tossing a huge wad of toilet paper, soaked in … Continued