How to Teach Your Children About E5 Leader

How to Teach Your Children About E5 Leader

SUMMARY How can I get this information into the hands of my children? This is the number 1 question I receive.  You’ve been exposed to E5.  You’ve implemented its teachings into your life.  It is only natural to want to allow it to flow from you into your family, especially your children. Be the best model … Continued

How to Better Prioritize Your Life

SUMMARY Everybody runs his/her life on some sort of priority scale.  Vertical Alignment is a tool that enables us to have a standard priority to live our life from which all other priorities are derived:  God Spouse Children Family Community Country Job You Making decisions about priorities requires a way to gauge those priorities.  Life’s … Continued

Four Ways to Keep Your Dreams Alive

I’m a simple guy. I enjoy the simple things in life. I’m pretty easy to content. I’ll tell you something. Although I can easily relax and be thankful for what I have, I still have drive. Do you know why? It is because I have dreams. BIG DREAMS. I know I can achieve them. I’ll … Continued

Why It’s Important to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

SUMMARY Make the decision every day to have an Attitude of Gratitude. Those who are gracious and have a gratitude attitude are attractive people.  Appreciation is positive and draws others in like a magnet. Having an attitude of gratitude attracts like-minded people. You attract those who have similar values–people who are joyful and happy; the … Continued

The Best Business Advice I Ever Got

SUMMARY The Best Business Advice I Ever Got The best business advice I’ve ever received came from John Maxwell. John taught me how to be bring my faith life into my business life. This enabled me to live a transparent life – being the same in business as I was in my personal life. Another … Continued

What Inputs Are and How to Control Them

SUMMARY INPUTS Inputs are received in the mind – through the eyes, the sense of smell and the ears. All the data collected into the mind are inputs. The sum total of who we are is based on inputs. Take captive of inputs. Control them. Like this video? Please share it! Please share or subscribe to … Continued


SUMMARY FORGIVENESS Forgiveness is the ability to allow someone who’s been in error to have your blessing. Both your ‘I’m sorry’ and your forgiveness need to be genuine. If not, you are giving unforgiveness a hold on your mind, your heart, your emotions, and living in negative and misery. Often, it’s the little things that … Continued

What is the Biggest Financial Dream that has Come True for You?

SUMMARY BIGGEST FINANCIAL DREAM TO COME TRUE My biggest dream to come true wasn’t about a dollar value but that the dream was so huge I couldn’t see myself ever getting it. It was so large that it was going to need supernatural power! I always wanted a Porsche, a silver 911 Porsche. I cut pictures out, … Continued

Culture of Thought

SUMMARY CULTURE OF THOUGHT Culture of thought is the way your mind has been programmed through life events, the people you hang with, the books you read, and the things to which you listen.  E5 Leader can help you to change your culture of thought. To have an aligned culture of thought to maximize potential … Continued


SUMMARY HOW THE E5 PILLARS ORIGINATED The five pillars – spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and financial – came from five different sources. There were five different pillars, each with a balance point.   When combined, each pillar could throw another off balance if not integrated properly.  Though there are individual balance points on individual pillars, they’re … Continued

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