Has Your Spouse Always Been on Board?

Has Your Spouse Always Been on Board?

SUMMARY When developing leadership skills or trying to grow forward, you might experience a little “kick back”. Married or single – some well-meaning spouse or friend can reject the idea that you’re going to change. They take a “Show me. Let’s wait and see attitude. They only know the old you. You’re going to have … Continued

How to Create Change and Live a More Successful Life

SUMMARY Change can be one of the most difficult things to overcome. It is necessary to get to the next level of success. The only one you can change is yourself. You can never change another human being. Don’t even try. A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still. Change you first. It’s amazing how … Continued

How to Create a Good Conflict Resolution Plan

SUMMARY Certain temperaments are prone to conflict and certain temperaments are not.   A choleric person looks forward to the conflict, whereas a phlegmatic person wants peace at all cost.  Everyone will run across conflict. You need a good resolution plan.  It’s a process:  ~Agree to disagree.  ~Recognize that the other person’s feelings and/or point of view is valid.  ~Serve … Continued

How to Use Your Authority to Ascend to Higher Levels

SUMMARY In life, we’re put in positions of authority – expected and unexpected.  Responsibility comes with authority. Another definition of authority: the ability to make a decision.  Nobody has given us this authority; it is preconceived. Whatever we make choices about, there is an authority that accompanies it. Authority is a predestined position inherent to human beings.  Through authority, we gain respect and ascend to … Continued

11 Ways to Add Motivation to Your Life

Motivation is one of those strange things. It can come to you through a bunch of different ways but not all motivation sticks. Some of the best advice I’ve ever received about motivation was the saying Me Motivates Me. Why did this help me so much? I’ve come to recognize that if the motivation was … Continued

Why Can’t Fear And Faith Exist In The Mind At The Same Time?

SUMMARY The mind can’t think two thoughts at once. If you’re a faithful person, there’s an absence of fear. Faith trumps fear! Faith is a strong, powerful, encouraging, uplifting process of thought. Fear is weak, undisciplined, and sometimes vain imagination. Fear can be displaced by faith with some positive mental attitude or Scripture.  Read aloud to allow the material … Continued

Five Ways to Not Miss Out On Life 

Have you ever had to get up and leave during a critical part of a movie or show? I recently saw ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ with my brother-in-law and son. I’m pretty sure you’ll agree that it was awesome. Less than halfway through the movie, I had to leave the theater; let’s just say too much soda. While I … Continued

How to Teach Your Children About E5 Leader

SUMMARY How can I get this information into the hands of my children? This is the number 1 question I receive.  You’ve been exposed to E5.  You’ve implemented its teachings into your life.  It is only natural to want to allow it to flow from you into your family, especially your children. Be the best model … Continued

14 Characteristics of a Selfless Leader

  Among my many interests in life is my love for survival stories. I am fascinated with the level of emotional IQ–or, as we at E5 Leader call it, emotional balance–of those who face overwhelming odds and come out victorious in body and spirit. It is amazing to watch, read or hear about the human … Continued

How to Better Prioritize Your Life

SUMMARY Everybody runs his/her life on some sort of priority scale.  Vertical Alignment is a tool that enables us to have a standard priority to live our life from which all other priorities are derived:  God Spouse Children Family Community Country Job You Making decisions about priorities requires a way to gauge those priorities.  Life’s … Continued

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