Sarah Finds Her Purpose
I wanted to share a victory story of how one young woman named Sarah has found her calling of purpose. Always follow your discernment. The decision to step up as president crept up on me over the last few months in prayer and I was quite hesitant to accept the calling. The Lord knows how … Continued
What Does it Mean to Become an E5 Mentor?
SUMMARY To have an E5 lifestyle requires the habit of diving into the learning experience; of being teachable. Living that lifestyle requires paying a price. Know what the price is, make the decision to pay it, and stay with it. The vehicle to get you there is E5 Leadership training, the online academy. An E5 … Continued
What’s the First Dream on your Dream List that Came True?
SUMMARY When developing your dream list and your 10-10-10, recognize that they don’t have to be achieved in the order you wrote them. Someone else’s dream may spark your own because you recognize it as a cause you can get behind. When you have a dream, purpose or a cause greater than yourself, you might … Continued
SUMMARY Trust puts us into an area of no control; when we give up control, we’re exercising trust. Trust can be on two different levels: conscious and unconscious. Consciously trusting is conditional-it involves a decision to trust or be trusted. When making a conscious decision to trust, know who and why you’re doing it. If … Continued
Should I Focus on College or E5 Leadership?
SUMMARY If you want an advanced degree, if it’s your passion and your dream; pursue it. Recognize that having a successful life and being on a path of success and leadership doesn’t automatically come with a degree. Make sure the degree you’re considering is well-suited to your strengths, talents and temperament. Don’t think of the … Continued
SUMMARY One vision of success: the people who know you the best should love you the most. Another vision of success: a progressive realization of a worthwhile dream or goal. It’s going towards those things that are empowering you, which you want to achieve. Four levels of success: Survival, Stability, Success, and Significance. Survival: Your … Continued
What Can Young People Do To Sharpen Their Skills in E5 Leader?
SUMMARY The whole process of E5 Leadership is about sharpening your skills. Start by writing down a list of the accomplishments you want to achieve. The list should include your dreams/goals AND your achievables- things that are important to you like getting married, having kids, and living in certain house or location. Write down everything … Continued
SUMMARY Purpose is what directs us on our journey in life. If we find that our purposes have been too small, we need to get a new purpose. With a purpose greater than yourself, you will never run out of opportunity to serve, to grow, and to be more than you thought you could ever … Continued
SUMMARY Sacrifice is something that you choose to do for the benefit of someone else, for the good of a cause or a need. Though frowned upon in our culture, sacrifice should be embraced because it brings about humility. Sacrifice is one of the methods by which we can find humility. There are sacrifices for … Continued
What Does Excuse Mean?
SUMMARY An excuse is the skin of a reason justified by a lie. Don’t give excuses in life. Don’t feel compelled to explain why you’re not doing things you know you should or are afraid to do. If need be, say “I blew it, I’m sorry, I messed up. I’ll do better.” That’s not an … Continued