The Key to True Leadership

The Key to True Leadership

SUMMARY There is no such thing as a natural-born leader. Leadership is learned, plain and simple. Who do you lead? Yourself: True leadership starts from within. Lead in the good qualities of life and the good nature of life. Make quality decisions that others can model. What kind of leader are you? Review your daily … Continued


SUMMARY There are no other ethics than ethics. John Maxwell says, “There is no such thing as business ethics. There’s only ethics.  The good news is if you have them, they work everywhere in your life.”  If you don’t have them, you can get them.  You aren’t born with ethics. They are a product of adaptation and environment.   Ethics are a … Continued


 SUMMARY There is a difference between living righteously and living selfishly when it comes to your finances. Stewardship plays a role in determining which way you live. A good steward recognizes the gifts given as if they were on loan, takes charge of them and makes good come from those gifts. Good stewardship includes … Continued

How Successful People Make Decisions

SUMMARY There are only about 12 to 15 key decisions in everyone’s life. Examples of key decisions: Getting married, having children, a job change, moving to another area of the country, or buying a house. When making key decisions, take a little extra time but don’t procrastinate too much. ‘NO’ is a decision, never be … Continued

The Biggest Obstacle I Had to Overcome to Become an E5 Leader

SUMMARY The obstacle that gave me the most difficulty, that I had to overcome, was finances. I didn’t understand them; didn’t have respect for money. I was good at making money, but bad at hanging onto it. I didn’t know what to do for long-term, legacy, and proper investment. It was hard for me to go to … Continued

The Power of Delayed Gratification

SUMMARY Delayed gratification is the practice of denial, detachment, or removal from something that you want. Waiting to eat cookies until after dinner is a simple example of delayed gratification. ‘Waiting to achieve’ is another form of delayed gratification when other priorities take precedent. Delayed gratification is important because it’s a form of discipline. Accomplishing a … Continued

Why Being Teachable is Key to Your Success

SUMMARY Teachability: your ability to be taught. Are you open-minded? Willing to listen? Learn? Apply what you’ve been taught? Typically, the younger you are, the more teach-able you are. Learning after you think you know it all is what matters. Let the wisdom faucet pour into you. Allow the words of others to take root. Whoever … Continued

11 Ways to Add Motivation to Your Life

Motivation is one of those strange things. It can come to you through a bunch of different ways but not all motivation sticks. Some of the best advice I’ve ever received about motivation was the saying Me Motivates Me. Why did this help me so much? I’ve come to recognize that if the motivation was … Continued

Five Ways to Not Miss Out On Life 

Have you ever had to get up and leave during a critical part of a movie or show? I recently saw ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ with my brother-in-law and son. I’m pretty sure you’ll agree that it was awesome. Less than halfway through the movie, I had to leave the theater; let’s just say too much soda. While I … Continued

Four Ways to Keep Your Dreams Alive

I’m a simple guy. I enjoy the simple things in life. I’m pretty easy to content. I’ll tell you something. Although I can easily relax and be thankful for what I have, I still have drive. Do you know why? It is because I have dreams. BIG DREAMS. I know I can achieve them. I’ll … Continued

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