Four Great Tips to Give Quality Time to Those Around You  

Four Great Tips to Give Quality Time to Those Around You  

I was an imaginative kid who played well on my own.  Even though I could play by myself, what I really craved was one on one time with my hero, my dad. It didn’t matter what we did–play cards, throw around the baseball, run to the hardware store–my ‘Dad Time’ was coveted and special. He … Continued


SUMMARY FORGIVENESS Forgiveness is the ability to allow someone who’s been in error to have your blessing. Both your ‘I’m sorry’ and your forgiveness need to be genuine. If not, you are giving unforgiveness a hold on your mind, your heart, your emotions, and living in negative and misery. Often, it’s the little things that … Continued

Culture of Thought

SUMMARY CULTURE OF THOUGHT Culture of thought is the way your mind has been programmed through life events, the people you hang with, the books you read, and the things to which you listen.  E5 Leader can help you to change your culture of thought. To have an aligned culture of thought to maximize potential … Continued

How aware are you?

SUMMARY AWARENESS  Awareness is a key attribute and a key characteristic in life. Self-awareness is most important. Most people don’t know who they are, how they’re hardwired,  why they’re hardwired that way, or what their character flaws are. Awareness means ‘to have your antenna up’ – To be able to perceive at a high level; … Continued

Four Ways to Sow Success

Here is a little known fact about me. You may not believe it. Trust me, I’m telling you the truth. I love the Little House on the Prairie book series. I do! Really! My love affair with Little House started when I was a kid. I would lie on my couch and watch the TV … Continued

The Power of Belief

There was one time. . . I got a detention. Yeah, me. If you haven’t picked up on it already, I was quite a mischievous kid. I liked making people laugh and sometimes that got me into trouble. Well, this one time, I was pressured into tossing a huge wad of toilet paper, soaked in … Continued

Dealing with Apprehension

Can you remember the last time you held a great deal of apprehension? Maybe it was an uncomfortable moment, a confrontational conversation or a space or event that gave you an unsettling feeling of anxiety. I’ll never forget the first time I went downhill skiing.  That hesitant, apprehensive feeling I had staring down at the … Continued

From Twinkle to Beethoven: Moving Ahead with Courage

Courage determines our potential. It is the dial of success. My two oldest kids are taking piano lessons this year. Some pieces they learn are instant hits: learned quickly and played daily, they become the family anthem for a short while. Then, there’s those other songs: Way too hard, Dad! I can’t do it! I … Continued

What Kind of Growth Environment Are You In?

When I coach people, I ask what surrounds them day in and day out. The people, activities, books, sounds… all these things influence us one way or another, for better or worse. Can you think of a movie you used to watch (or still do) that got you really pumped up? For me, it was … Continued

How to Embrace Change

For a while now, my front door has been purple. Not just purple: the Joker Purple. I’m not kidding. It’s a long story about how it got to be that way but my wife never liked it. (I thought it was cool!) Recently, it was finally time. She asked me: Please, please, please can we … Continued

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