Sarah Finds Her Purpose
I wanted to share a victory story of how one young woman named Sarah has found her calling of purpose. Always follow your discernment.
The decision to step up as president crept up on me over the last few months in prayer and I was quite hesitant to accept the calling. The Lord knows how stubborn I can be so he sent in some backup: St. Joan of Arc. Her name began popping up in articles I was reading or podcasts I was listening to, and I didn’t think much of it at the time. But the words surrounding her description were not words of war or her martyrdom, rather her youth causing her to feel intimidated and cautious even when God was so obviously calling her to do amazing things for others.
It didn’t occur to me that there was a correlation between my prayers of guidance and St. Joan of Arc’s sudden presence in my life until a couple weeks ago. I was on my way to a leadership team meeting when some ladies on a podcast began talking about Joan of Arc, and my ears perked up. The women on the podcast conversed about the fact that Joan was so young when God called her, but He equipped her with the talents and vision to know how to live out her call. Most importantly, she didn’t waste any time. She jumped right in. She knew that there is urgency on the things God calls us to do, and she also was aware of the fact that when God calls you to do something, you can stand up and own it or you can wait around for the validation from others and have them make the decision for you. And then it clicked. God has been equipping me for this role, and He knew exactly the right way to do it all along. He knows I’m stubborn, but He also knows that I am capable.
Being President of YCP is in no way close to the calling that St. Joan of Arc was faced with, but it is a calling nonetheless. I am not going to lie about my nervousness and caution as I step into this role, but God led me here so I am trusting in Him to help me lead YCP Cleveland.
I am so excited about what the next year will bring for our team. With that being said, I am praying that some of the leadership team members may be feeling a call to step up and assist me in a role of Vice President. Pray about it and let me know if you feel a call to help lead the team!
Thank you all for your support and prayers during this time of transition. I hope you are all having a wonderful Easter season!
God bless.
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