How to Embrace Change
For a while now, my front door has been purple. Not just purple: the Joker Purple. I’m not kidding. It’s a long story about how it got to be that way but my wife never liked it. (I thought it was cool!)
Recently, it was finally time. She asked me: Please, please, please can we change the door color now? She has painted around the house but I’m the one who used to do it for a living. When it comes to the front door and oil paints, it’s definitely my job.
As much as my beloved spouse was excited about the change, I couldn’t pull my enthusiasm up even a few notches. In my opinion, the purple door held memories and made our house unique. Of course, I changed the color.
Once. It wasn’t right. Twice. Still not right. Three’s a charm: she finally settled. Although to her, it still wasn’t exactly what she was envisioning. The blue wasn’t quite the right blue.
My wife was ready for change. She loves to change things around the house. It represents a fresh start to her.
Regarding other changes in life, she doesn’t always take an enthusiastic approach. Of course, this is completely normal. In fact, I don’t know anyone who embraces all change all the time. Change, almost always, calls for effort and effort is often painful.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Change, almost always, calls for effort and effort is often painful.” quote=”Change, almost always, calls for effort and effort is often painful. “]
Here are some great thoughts on change I want to share with you.
Transitions are like chapters in a book
Your life is like a great novel and the transitions you experience in life are the chapters. In life, like books, you are able to look back and learn, review and appreciate your chapters but you should never make the mistake of trying to live in chapters of the past.
From the Bible:
“No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62
Yesterday ended last night
Live every day in love, in faith and in hope, as if it were your last – living in fear and regret will get you nowhere. Your attitude is your choice, no one else’s.
When you leave yesterday where it belongs and give God today, you MOVE beyond your fears and regret. Choose to change today for the better.
What lies behind you is in no comparison to what lies ahead
During change we often get caught in a daze, feeling anxious, asking questions like: Oh no, where should I go now? Is this right for me? Who am I? You could be finding yourself saying, This is a drag…This is taking longer than I thought… Do yourself a favor and move past those moments and thoughts. They are self-indulgent and don’t foster the right attitude in order to move forward. Rather than wallow in them, move your sights to what you can become, what you can do and your potential.
Your OLD beliefs will not lead you to NEW heights
Don’t let your opportunity to change be squelched by OLD beliefs. I am not saying that an established and well-thought-out value system should constantly be changing. But re-evaluation and openness to growth is always life-giving. Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Rather, fix your mind on the NEWNESS of life more than anything.
Mother Teresa has said, “Yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not yet come; we must live each day as if it were our last so that when God calls us we are ready, and prepared, to die with a clean heart.”
The keys to renewal are in the way we spend our day. So, be excited to….
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